The day job is representing brands, but another qualification on the CV has taken on huge significance in the face of coronavirus.

In normal times, Karen Nash is a busy agent covering the south of England for brands such as Platinum Agencies and Legacy Lifestyle.

But while she’s grounded due to Covid-19, Sussex based Karen is using another skillset to support her community.

Last October, she qualified as an independent funeral celebrant. “I wanted to do something that really made a difference alongside my agency work,” Karen told ETN.

Funeral celebrants plan, oversee and often speak at funeral proceedings. They conduct religious, non-religious and spiritual services and celebrations of life. 

“Little did I know that this training would now come in useful,” added Karen.  

“Although [funerals with limited attendees under Government restrictions] are extremely emotionally challenging in this present climate, I’m doing my very best to make sure loved ones have the best send-off they possibly can.”

Karen is also looking after two vulnerable people in her village, doing their weekly shops and pharmacy runs.

“I’m a very lucky agent as I can make really good use of my time off the road,” she said.

Despite being so busy, Karen has most definitely not forgotten her equestrian customers. 

“I’m keeping in contact with my retailers by phone, just to check they’re OK,” she added. “I’ve built up a very close rapport and friendship with a lot of them over the past eight years.”

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