New chemical free formula naturally repels insects.

Brinicombe Equine has launched a new organic fly repellent. 

Think Fly Spray, part of the Devon based company’s range of Think products, uses the Denis Brinicombe Group’s patented PST22 technology to deter flying insects. 

Key to PST22 technology is garlic. As managing director Keith Greig explained: “We started developing PST22 Polysulphide Technology almost 20 years ago and have established a process that captures, stabilises and unifies powerful polysulphides, plant extracts often described as ‘nature’s defence’. 

“We extract 22 chain lengths of polysulphides that actively deter parasites. The ingredient is already being used in our horse feeds to great effect.” 

Think Fly Spray combines PST22 with other active ingredients enabling it to be topically applied. 

Available in a 500ml easy spray bottle, the product has a pleasant aroma – so it can be used when riding as well as on horses that are turned out.

PST22 as a feed is already used to repel parasites, such as flies and ticks, on horses and other livestock and poultry. 

“We’re now participating in a £300,000 research project to see if our polysulphide technology could be a sustainable solution to the problem of parasites in farmed fish,” added Keith.

Think Fly Spray, which was soft launched and tested last summer, complements Brincombe Equine’s existing Think feeds and Herbilix product ranges.

Garlic photo by Stasys EIDIEJUS from FreeImages