Plus ‘win your order for free’ with leading supplier.

BETA International is not just a brilliant place to network and stock up with the latest products. It offers some top-class seminars, many with the opportunity to snap up some handy CPD points, too.

An exciting line-up of industry experts is poised to deliver a vibrant programme of topical presentations. Specialists include social media expert Rhea Freeman, retail guru Julia Andrews, Katherine Stephen, of Gatehouse, who will look at safety garment fitting, BETA’s Claire Williams and Heather Hyde, Aisha Kirby and Sarfraz Mian, of the show’s main sponsor, Neue Schule 

Seminars carrying CPD points are as follows:

● Understanding the Ageing and Care of Veteran Horses, with Kate Hore, NAF head nutritionist, worth nine AMTRA CPD points.

● Horse Worming – Advising the Customer, with Sally Harmer, of the Animal Health Consultancy, worth eight AMTRA CPD points.

● Advances in the Fitting and Design of Saddles Over the Last 25 Years, with master saddler Kay Hastilow. This seminar is open to everyone, but one hour of SMS CPD is awarded to Society of Master Saddlers members.

Kate Hore and Blue Copy

All presentations take place in the Seminar Theatre, many daily. They are free to attend and no booking is required.

“Making sure that our seminars hit the spot is our No 1 priority,” said BETA International organiser Claire Thomas. “We work hard to ensure we deliver dynamic and topical presentations for our industry audience with continuous professional development points where possible.

“I am particularly pleased with this year’s schedule, which features some repeat appearances from show favourites and the introduction of some new speakers.”

Click here for further information on the seminar speakers. []

BETA International 2021 takes place at the NAEC Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, from Thursday 9 to Saturday 11 September. It is the leading trade show for equestrian, country and pet products. If you would like to find out more about exhibiting or visiting the show, click here

Win your order for free

Leading suppliers will unveil deals, discounts and prize draws at BETA International. Most of the offers are available only at the show.

Westgate – the home of Mark Todd Collection, JHL, Gatehouse and Science Supplements - has pledged that one retailer on each of the three days will win their entire order (however large or small) for free.

The offer is open to existing accounts and new ones opened at BETA International. 

“We want to give a small thank you for the loyalty and support our existing customers have shown us, and also give an incentive for potential new customers to come and meet the team and see how we can help grow their business together,” said David Mitson of Westgate. 

Sir Mark Todd will meet visitors on the stand. The Mark Todd Collection features in the 2021 Westgate trade catalogue, to be launched at the show. 

Show offers galore

In other special deals, Bua Saddles is offering free international shipping, Chatham Footwear has 5% off all orders written at the show, there are 15% discounts to be had at Equilibrium Products and free loans of display units at Maxima Mix ‘n’ Munch. 

Kevin Milner Countryside Greetings Cards is offering a free display stand and/or free cards, you can enjoy 5% off all orders over £200 at Perry Equestrian, and BETA Retail Members can claim a £50 travel and accommodation subsidy when they visit the show on two or more days. 

ETN is running a free-to-enter draw in which one retailer will win £100s worth of products and prizes. 

  • For your exclusive BETA International exhibitors’ list and floorplan, see the September issue of ETN. 

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