How those who prescribe and sell wormers can change end-users’ attitudes to be debated.

Supporting RAMAs/SQPs in their role as prescribers of wormers is crucial to winning over horse owners on the challenges of resistance.

So says Bryan Lovegrove, secretary general of the Animal Health Distributors Association (AHDA) which debates the issue at its conference in Birmingham next week.

The AHDA Conference (23/24 January) has presentations and seminars, while around 50 companies and industry groups will exhibit their products and services.

Under its theme of ‘Working for Positive Change’, day one will see workshops on responsible prescribing, including the overall process, faecal egg counting and animal medicine planning.

Changing end-users’ attitudes

AHDA is campaigning for the responsible prescribing process of POM-VPS animal medicines products – such as horse wormers - with a particular focus on anthelmintic [wormer] resistance.

As well as highlighting the challenge facing the equine and farming industries, the body wants to change end-users’ attitudes to the prescription process.

“AHDA’s main purpose is to support RAMAs/SQPs [Registered Animal Medicines Advisors] in their role, working with other industry organisations and bodies to support their right to sell and supply the range of prescription animal medicines across all sectors,” explains Mr Lovegrove.

“In raising awareness of the challenges of anthelmintic resistance, and by focussing on it in detail at our conference, we hope to bring some of these areas of focus to life, encouraging conversation and engagement among those directly involved in the prescribing process in order to help the end users – their customers - better understand the topic.

”Earn CPD points

The first day of the AHDA Conference ends with a gala dinner, the AMTRA [Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority] awards ceremony, charity prize draw and after-dinner speaker.

Day two focuses on a wide range of current topics in animal health and welfare, including companion animal nutrition and backyard poultry.

Sessions are split into ‘Farm Animal’ and ‘Companion Animal & Equine’.

Around 60 CPD points are available to RAMAs/SQPs over the two-day conference.

• RAMAs/ SQPs can secure more CPD points with an AMTRA accredited feature and quiz on equine worm control in the February/March issue of ETN. More CPD earning opportunities can be found on ETN’s website at