Equine sector “not susceptible to same pressure” of others, says managing director.

Less competition from supermarkets and consumers’ dedication to their horses are helping the equine sector through tough financial times, says a leading figure. 

Horses need daily care, explains Dean Cox, managing director of Red Gorilla, who reckons it’s a big advantage to our trade. 

The predominance of independent retailers stocking goods not found in supermarkets is another plus the equestrian industry, he adds.

Red Gorilla supplies tools and tubs to the garden, construction and home-care sectors as well as to the equestrian market.

“Equine is the least corporate of all the trades we sell to,” Dean tells ETN. 

Dean Cox of Red Gorilla: You can leave a garden to overgrow, but horses need daily care – and that’s a plus for the equestrian trade.

“It’s not susceptible to the same pressure that building, gardening and DIY are - even if it may not feel like it just now.

“If you own a horse, you have to care for it; and in times of hardship, it’s often a priority. 

“With respect, you can leave the garden to get overgrown, and hack it back next spring with little or no consequence - or alternatively shut the curtains!  But horses need care and attention 365 days per year.” 

This unique element gives the equine sector “a level of protection that gardening and DIY do not [have],” says Dean. 

He also points out that “there’s also not the same level of competition [in the equestrian trade] from supermarkets and multiples.”

  • Read the full interview with Dean Cox from Red Gorilla in the June issue of ETN.