Couple’s big day has been put on hold…

They say timing is everything… So Maggie White and David Kempsall of WOW Saddles carefully planned their wedding for 24 March ahead of a busy show season.

As it turned out, of course, their big day was also the first full day of total coronavirus emergency lockdown in the UK.

“Who would have thought?” said Maggie, who had naturally chosen a new dress for the occasion. 

Maggie and David, who’ve been together for 25 years, had arranged a registry office ceremony, restaurant meal and trip to the theatre with them and their guests ferried around by minibus.  

A week before their wedding, the bad news started. The theatre was closed, the minibus firm went out of business, then the restaurant was shut.

Maggie takes up the story: “Before we were told to stay at home, we collected the rings from the jeweller and, as we came out of the shop, the registry office rang to say: ‘Do you still want to get married? If so, you can’t have any guests, only yourselves and two witnesses.’”

It was only as David was steaming his suit to remove the wrinkles that the Government announced the cancellation of all weddings.  

“Not many people can say the Prime Minister banned them from getting married a few hours before the event,” said Maggie. “And, worse still, I have to stay slim – so no comfort eating – in case I want to use my new dress in future.” 

Photo by Daria Obymaha from Pexels