New series of tutorials to boost online business.

A second series of social media webinars has been launched by BETA (British Equestrian Trade Association). 

Many sessions are open to all. BETA members can join some for free and others with discounted fees.

The online tutorials are ideal for people starting out in social media, as well as those with experience who want to build their businesses’ digital presence.

Advertising, internationalisation, influencers and different platforms are among the topics to be addressed. The presenter is Rhea Freeman, PR adviser and social media expert. Rhea is a Facebook Certified Lead Trainer and a #SheMeanBusiness Accredited Trainer, with both programmes connected to Facebook, to help people improve their skills across the Facebook family of products. 

The series consists of four pairs of webinars. Attendance at the first (A) in each pair is for BETA members only and is free. The second in each pair (B) is open to all for a fee, with a discount to BETA members.

The BETA members only webinars start today (16th June), with the first open-to-all session on 23rd June.

Monday webinars run from 12.30pm until 2.30pm, and on Wednesdays from 10am to 12noon(ish).

1.  A -  Advertising on Social Media: Planning a campaign, creating your ad and do's and don’ts. (16th June - BETA MEMBERS ONLY)     

B  -  Content Creation Masterclass: Tips for video, images, captions hashtags and maintaining brand consistency. (23rd June - OPEN TO ALL)

2.  A  -  Facebook advertising and Instagram promotions in five steps. (28th June - BETA MEMBERS ONLY )

B -  Introducing different social platforms from TikTok and Linkedin to Clubhouse, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest and a guide to repurposing content for different platforms. (7th July  OPEN TO ALL )                                                                          

3.  A - Messenger and WhatsApp - using to engage customers.  (12th July -  BETA MEMBERS ONLY )

B -  Brand ambassadors, sponsored riders - how to find them and how to make them work for you. (19th July - OPEN TO ALL)

4.  A - Growing business internationally and Business Suite - getting started and using it to understand your results. (26th July - BETA MEMBERS ONLY )                                                                                                                                                                               
B - Collaborating with other brands, influencers and events and maximising value. (2nd August OPEN TO ALL) 

The cost to register for one session costs £40 + VAT for BETA Members

The cost to register for two sessions costs £70 + VAT for BETA Members

The cost to register for three sessions costs £95 + VAT for BETA Members

The cost to register for all four charged sessions costs £115 + VAT for BETA Members 

Non BETA members can access all paid-for sessions at a flat rate of £50 per session.  

To book please click on this booking link

Image by Gerd Altmann