Innovative products’ RRPs slashed amid rising costs elsewhere. 

Vale Brothers has cut the cost of grooming brushes in its antibacterial KBF99 range.

The RRP for the short fibre dandy brush and body brush is now £19.95 (from £27.95). The long KBF99 dandy brush is now £22.95 (was £29.95). 

“A change in production” has enabled the price cut, said Peter Wilkes, managing director of Vale Brothers.

“It’s a welcome change in the current market conditions where prices continue to rise,” he added. 

The grooming brushes are anti-bacterial thanks to the KBF99 additive which coats the surface with tiny spikes that stab and kill bacteria, fungi, algae and mycotoxins. 

Last year, after testing at Blutest Laboratory in Glasgow established that KBF99 also kills coronavirus by 99%, Vale Brothers launched the pocket-sized Virafibre brush.

Like the grooming tools, the handy brush is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, protecting the user wherever it’s used without chemicals.  

“After two years of living through the pandemic, there’s never been a better time to invest in products that have a dual action to clean and protect,” added Peter.